Marvel Poster Analysis


 - It includes lots of iconography with all the characters displayed all facing one direction. The characters are made up with different shots. The heroes are a mixture of medium shot/close up shots but Thanos in the background is an extreme close up to add intensity to his character and also the seriousness of the character and the entire situation of the films that have been leading up to this moment.

- Swallow symbolism can be seen in the title of the magazine ‘Film’ which links to Tony Stark's aircraft when he’s lost in space for a glimpse moment you can see this imagery. The swallow was a symbol used historically by sailors to show off their sailing experience, Seeing swallows was a sign that their travels were nearing an end which links to Tony’s life is nearly being  over which is concluded at the end of the film with his death.

- The colour scheme of the magazine is predominately purple. This colour has lots of connotations including mystery, magic and power. Moreover the lighting is all dark and ominous linking to the plot of the film. This can link to the main villain.

- They are all in their superhero costuming linking how they are all prepared to stop Thanos and finish it all. The background and foreground are important in this magazine. Looming dark and powerful in the background is Thanos who beat the avengers in the previous film which makes him a big threat and in the foreground is the hero's which is the main focus. You could say the fact Thanos is in the background is due to the fact he's been a looming figure in the hero's mind ever since he ruined their lives.

- The placement of all the characters in the poster all reach into a pyramid shape with Tony Stark at the peak top as he’s one of the most important characters in the film. Thanos is behind them all like a looming silhouette representing him being the main antagonist of the film.


  1. A good analysis here. Well done!You need to think about their use of a sign - the swallows - you will need to think about the signs you see in other products as time goes on.


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