Theory Research
Theory Research:
Structuralism - Levi Strauss
- 'Relation between any two units compared in a binary pair'
- 'Binary opposites form the basic structure of all human cultures, all human ways of thought and all human signifying systems'
- 'In every binary pair, one term is favoured and the other is disfavoured' e.g. the idea of good and evil
He examined the relations of mythemes and found it consisted of BINARY OPPOSITIONS
He also believed that the human mind thinks fundamentally in these binary oppositions.
He also suggested that narratives had to be driven by conflict from contrasting forces.
Theory Research:
Theories of Gender Performativity - Butler
- 'There is no gender identity behind the expressions of gender'
- 'Identity is performatively constituted by the very "expressions" that are said to be its results'
- 'Gender trouble'
Her theory is about gender identity but she makes points that can be applied to the study of identity as a universal concept.
She also suggests how gender is not the result of nature, but is socially constructed- male and female behaviour roles are not the result of biology but are constructed and reinforced by society through media and culture.
Sees gender as a PERFORMANCE.
Number of exaggerated representations of masculinity and feminity
Binary view of gender relations in which humans are divided into 2 clear cut groups, male and female, rather than opening up possibilities for a person to form and choose their own individual identity.
Paper 2: LFTVD
- Can be applied to representations of gender and the performance of gender is foreground e.g. representations of women preparing to present their bodies for display, people training or reinforcing characters masculinity or representations that disrupt heteronormativity.
Paper 1: News
- Can be applied to lifestyle sections of newspapers where the performance of gender may be demonstrated in fashion and makeup advice and in articles of 'gender trouble'
Structuralism - Levi Strauss
- 'Relation between any two units compared in a binary pair'
- 'Binary opposites form the basic structure of all human cultures, all human ways of thought and all human signifying systems'
- 'In every binary pair, one term is favoured and the other is disfavoured' e.g. the idea of good and evil
He examined the relations of mythemes and found it consisted of BINARY OPPOSITIONS
He also believed that the human mind thinks fundamentally in these binary oppositions.
He also suggested that narratives had to be driven by conflict from contrasting forces.
When analysing media language you can apply it by:
- What opposites can you see in costume, props, mise-en-scene
- Effect of having one show against another
- Is one seen as positive and one negative? Is the view challenged?
Examples of Binary opposites:
- Boy vs Girl
- Peace vs War
- Democracy vs Dictatorship
- Young vs Old
- Protagonist vs Antagonist
Paper 2 LFTVD:
- Can be used to analyse there narratives - 'inside' and 'outside' opposition by making the audience identify with the 'inside' and then proceed to play around with the opposition to disorientate the audience.
Clear concept seen in Stranger things as the difference between the town of Hawkins Indiana and underneath them they have the sinister 'upside down' clear contrast of good and bad.
Paper 1 News:
- Applied to online newspapers where they set up an 'us' and 'them' opposition in which the audiences think of themselves as being 'us' (applied to them) which is a common mode of address in newspapers.
Theories of Gender Performativity - Butler
- 'There is no gender identity behind the expressions of gender'
- 'Identity is performatively constituted by the very "expressions" that are said to be its results'
- 'Gender trouble'
Her theory is about gender identity but she makes points that can be applied to the study of identity as a universal concept.
She also suggests how gender is not the result of nature, but is socially constructed- male and female behaviour roles are not the result of biology but are constructed and reinforced by society through media and culture.
Sees gender as a PERFORMANCE.
Number of exaggerated representations of masculinity and feminity
Binary view of gender relations in which humans are divided into 2 clear cut groups, male and female, rather than opening up possibilities for a person to form and choose their own individual identity.
Paper 2: LFTVD
- Can be applied to representations of gender and the performance of gender is foreground e.g. representations of women preparing to present their bodies for display, people training or reinforcing characters masculinity or representations that disrupt heteronormativity.
Paper 1: News
- Can be applied to lifestyle sections of newspapers where the performance of gender may be demonstrated in fashion and makeup advice and in articles of 'gender trouble'
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