Planning Brand Identity
Brand Identity:
Currently For the headers in the magazine
3 font styles-
For the Title font
Currently For the small text inside
- The imagery used on my magazine and website will be simple, recognisable and match the appropriate articles.
This is the logo I've designed which I'll use on all the newspapers for Currently. I will also have it used on my website to create synergy.
- My overall theme is to make it look arts and crafty so my boxes will look like post it notes and the content and detail inside would be designed like a note page. This similarly fits in with my logo. This matches with my target audience of 16-25 as most of them would be studying or potentially just starting off their career and the idea of note pads fit their theme- plus it keeps it more interesting. All shapes will fit this.
Colour Scheme:
- I will experiment around with this colour scheme of reds and golds and blacks. The post it notes could have gold accents while the notepads are outlined with black. The red links in with the pin on the logo which ill use as a running theme. To present synergy I will use this colour scheme on my website also.
All these features will create synergy between my magazine pages and my website.
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