Planning: My initial ideas for my NEA

How could I create an ethos for my NEA: 

When looking at Dennis Publishing their ethos is:

Innovation and Efficiency
Long term and Agile
Collaborative and Individually Bold
Professional and Fun.

- So I'd have to create one for my NEA to make it clear what my current affairs magazine aims to do.
- As my target audience is between 16-25 id create an ethos which can be applied/relate and can be appealing for this audience. Therefore I'd research conventions of magazines for them.

Initial ideas:

Adjectives that can be used as the target audiences ethos
- Simplicity, Entertaining, Straightforward, Fresh, Authentic, Universal

- OCR has spotted a gap in the market for current affair magazine for people aged between 16-25 (which is the target audience for the NEA task of Magazines and Online)

- We could utilise some of the conventions from the youth edition of The Week and the adult version of the week aged (over 25).

Conventions of The Week Junior:
- Getting their kids reading + spark thinking
- Upbeat walk through the world
- Facts behind the news so they'll learn a vital skill of thinking for themselves
- Age appropriate + ideal for stimulating lively family discussions
- Makes learning FUN
- Colourful, bright and easy to navigate- invite the reluctant readers
- News from around the world, animals, nature, sports and puzzles.

Conventions of The Week:
- Designed for readers who want to know what's going on in the world - but don't have time to read a daily newspaper from cover to cover
- Takes the very best of the British + international news and comment and all in 35 pages
- Keeping you up to date with new events and form your own OPINION on latest issues
- Key stories delivered in bite-sized chuncks
- Get the whole picture quick + easy

By comparing these two conventions which are aimed for different age groups, there are some overlapping factors-

- To appeal to the NEA target audience of 16-25, the magazine has to have practicality mind. Tt has to be appealing but also easy to access- the target audience is from a technological time period meaning the usual convetional newspaper is outdated- needs more modernisation so it'll appeal to that age market. At the target age also they are busy with life- exploring, many in college and university. Doesn't need to be compliacted- simple and straight to the point. It has to maintain interest and so the target audience can draw their own opinions and thoughts which then can be debated to spark further topic interest.

I could also begin to figure out if my magazine will be a weekly or monthly magazine- and also what my mission statement is. 

- For my mission statement I’d make it apply to the idea of a current affairs magazine that’s like no other due to the audience being aimed for 16-25 (which as stated before there’s a gap in the market)
- Id make it a weekly magazine as there’s so much going on in the world everyday and as I want it to be a simple/short/straight to the point magazine it’ll have to be weekly- too much content in a monthly magazine- and you’d want the information as recent as possible.


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